Having spent 3 weekends in the UK in the last month...my blog has suffered. However here is a little update...
The Mille Milgia passed through Verona, and it was an absolute blast, fast cars, beautiful city and ultimately a race!
We started at Castel Vecchio ponte which they opened for the evening to drive over, then under Porto Borsari, through Piazza Erbe and then a final dash through Piazza Bra. There was so much chrome whizzing through Verona I didn't know which way to look first. Although Verona seemed to me to be a perfect city to race through, I have a feeling the cobbles paid havoc with the low suspensions and and the odd wing which seemed to come loose!
A whole weekend spent in Verona treating myself to breakfast sat out on the piazza. Looking forward to more weekends in Verona especially now summer seems to have arrived this week, I luckily escaped the heatwave at the weekend a cool 40° I was enjoying the subtle warm days of Spring at home in Somerset.