Having never visited Parma the only real reference I had was John Grishams 'Playing for Pizza' and the fact that Parma Ham and Parmesan Cheese is from there...so the plan: eat ham & cheese then find American football...??
It was glorious blue sky & sunshine all day, which has already put Spring in my step.
We spent the morning at my first antiques fair in Italy - it was huge! Holding back on the temptation to buy more stuff I didn't need, I came home with only one little brown bag.
First stop once we got into Parma...ice cream! We hopped, skipped & jumped into Chocolat Milano in Piazza Della Steccata. 2 scoops 1 Crema & 1 Fior di latte for me - Delicious!
This is where I saw 'women in red shoes' who was absolutely amazing, I'm so chuffed I got this photo and with the cigarette, which she'd just lit. She is everything that an Italian women should be on a Sunday afternoon.
Days like these spent with wonderful people have been few and far between for me in my first year in Italy, but when they do come along they really are what makes living in Italy a fantastic experience.