We spent Easter with both sets parents in Liguria...I'd been hankering after some Ligurian food for the last month, so it was great to finally get my taste buds satisfied fresh focaccia for breakfast, followed by pesto & trofie for lunch...life doesn't get much better add to this it was Easter meaning there was chocolate & Colomba cake too, aswell as it being Chiavari Flea Market...purchases were made.
We're all suffering for it this week though coming home several pounds heavier.
My folks are making their way back home through Switzerland & France, Michaels Mum & Dad will stay down in Liguria till the end of the month as for Michael and I we're going to enjoy some time with just the two of us without any visitors...but hopefully not for too long.

My folks are making their way back home through Switzerland & France, Michaels Mum & Dad will stay down in Liguria till the end of the month as for Michael and I we're going to enjoy some time with just the two of us without any visitors...but hopefully not for too long.
Focaccia ready for the oven.
New flea market finds