Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Funday...

Living in Verona a city filled with so much manmade beauty, sometimes you forget that on your doorstep is the natural architecture of the Italian landscape. The Italian Cypress tree probably being the most memorable: watching Kenneth Branaghs 'Much Ado About Nothing' firmly cemented and romantisized this for me as a young teenager back in Somerset.
With  almost spring like temperatures our walk took us through the Negrar Valley, followed by lunch at Trattoria alla Porchetta, the closet thing I've had to a Sunday Roast for a while.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I missed the party...

Today was Carnevale, which unless you're a kid or have children seems to go unmentioned or un-noticed -  until the roads get closed and you can't get a parking space.
Last night all I could think of  'Where am I going to park tomorrow, party spirit...questionable' 

The walk from my car to home really is beautiful, but as with most things you see regularly you sometimes stop seeing them, but the days when I do see are the days Verona takes my breath away.
Today the walk home felt different, Verona felt different, as though I missed out on something
...where the cobbles should be there were streamers, glitter and confetti...but no people, just the remnants of a fun afternoon of festivities...I missed the party.