Thursday, December 17, 2009

see you in 2010.

we're off to spend the Christmas holidays in New Zealand.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Ashley Pouch

The Ashley Pouch, handmade with all vintage fabrics and trims.
A one off that can personalised with initials

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas comes early...

Unfortunately I was so preoccupied with making sure everything was cooked and not forgotten I forgot to take a photo of the table laid up with all the deliciousness that is Christmas food, so we only have a before shot. We had a wonderful afternoon and evening with too much food, wine & grappa, the sausages may have been burnt to a crisp, and the gravy a little too salty, but that's not too bad for my first Xmas dinner. It was a couple weeks early, but with Mum & Dad and lovely friends to share it with Christmas really did come early x
Now it's Turkey soup till New Zealand...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Delivery

Christmas in Verona

Verona looks really beautiful this year, no expense spared on the decorations, although I have a feeling that we may be seeing them for the next 5 years.
The shooting Star has arrived in Piazza Bra, Bauli is sponsoring the trees and it's raining stars in Piazza Erbe.
Outside my bedroom window is a street filled with blankets of fairy lights...will try for a photo this week.
Xmas is coming early for us this year as I'll be in New Zealand for Christmas, so Mum & Dad are coming for a festive spread in Verona, my tree is up, Turkey is in the fridge and Christmas pud is on it's way (thanks Mum)