Friday, March 9, 2012

Festa della donna

Yesterday was International Womens Day, which seems to be a much bigger deal in Italia than any other country I've lived...I'm still not clear on how I actually feel about this day (especially living in a country where there are obviously huge differences between the sexes still and the day here has been so commercialized it holds no clout) but...hold fire! I'm not going to over think it and just enjoy the company of the great women.
Thursday night is English Speaking Happy Hour night (future post to explain) we decided to give our wonderful women a sprig of Mimosa with a little message tag - I was sadly disappointed to discover this was not a cocktail, but a much sweeter gesture and far more economic.
Apparently the custom of giving out Mimosa started in Rome in 1946 when the men would give there wives, mothers, daughters sprigs of this bright yellow flower.