Friday, March 30, 2012


            A couple weeks ago we had a pot luck party, where I made Salsa di Noci & Pesto, as I'm never very convinced of my Italy cooking to have Italians comment on how good it was I thought I'd share the Pesto recipe with really is so easy just as is the Salsa di Noci and can be made fresh the night of even for those of us with hectic lives.


Place the Basil & garlic in the food processor
and blend until finely chopped.
Add nuts blend until chopped.
Add cheese until all is combined.
Keep the processor running and add the oil in slowly.
After it is all combined and the machine is off.
Add S&P to taste.

I generally serve Pesto with Trofie pasta which is typical of the Ligurian region, to make it extra tasty peel and chop into chunks some potatoes and green beans topped & tailed.
Boil until cooked, then just combine them into the pesto & Trofie before serving.

I had a slight scale error with this particular batch as you will see from the photo the garlic cloves are MASSIVE!
Should've only used one of these particularly potent cloves.
These quantities made two small jars.