Monday, October 22, 2012

Fig & Mascarpone bomb!

My fig obsession continues...solely because I'm still finding them deliciously fresh in the market with origin Italia, so we're still in season.
Last minute dinner plans with friends Saturday night was the only excuse I needed to try out this recipe.
In Italy trifle is called Zuppa Inglese, although don't expect English trifle to arrive on your plate, and I am yet to taste one that rivals British trifle or stands up to the expectations I have of Italian food, however this recipe embodies everything that an Italian trifle should be...

:: Trifle ::
8oz Cantuccini Biscotti
8 Figs quartered
1/2 cup Fabbri amarene cherries
 1/2 cup Vin Santo
1 lb Mascarpone
 1/3 cup sugar
 2 cups Heavy whipping cream
2 squares white chocolate
1/2 cup Almond flakes

Place the biscotto in the bowl and pour the Vin Santo over the top, layer in the figs & cherries.
In a separate bowl add the cream whisk until thickened, add the sugar & mascarpone, combine together.
Layer onto Figs & cherries
Using a vegetable peeler, peel white chocolate flakes ontop & sprinkle the almonds.
Finish with a cluster of figs on top.
Place in fridge until needed.

ATTENTION...this is a dessert bomb, small portions only!