Monday, July 5, 2010

Cooling off in the Dolomites

It's been an excuse to leave Verona and head to the mountains for the day was greatly received Michael & I.
Our friends are currently teaching at a school in Fiera di Primiero in the Trentino-Alto Adige/Sùdtirol region. A private Catholic School for wealthy Milanese families who want their kids to learn English. It's  a 2h30 drive from Verona, we arrived just in time for lunch which was a typical Tirolean fair, spinach dumplings, tris all delicious & finished off with an Apple Strudel...obviously.
Back down the mountain in Fiera di Primiero I discovered an amazing haberdashery, and delighted over a shoe shop filled with shoe boxes, two wicked pairs of shoes caught my eye and their boxes...seriously old stock and unfortunately not in my size.
It's so beautiful in the Dolomites National Park, will definitely be returning for some walks in the Fall.