Wednesday, July 7, 2010

the yellow desk

The roomie & I have been so busy the last couple of days...first was the tidy and general re-organisation...
this generally causes angst from the direction of my beloved, as I usually spend my Wednesday evenings  running around a like a desperate housewife cleaning for when Dipa, our wonderful cleaner arrives Thursday morning.
We are all spring cleaned.
Next...project desk! I know. I have my faults,  and yes,  I know how difficult & particular I can be when it comes to what finds a home in our difficult could it be the find a desk to put in my roomies new office at home space? well in a week impossible.
DIY it is then, off we go to LeRoy Merlin ( Italy's answer to HomeBase & B&Q) we come out with a Heinz variety of almost get what you want but in reality you could have picked in up in Steptoes Yard.
Plan A. 'Honey, you build the desk and I'll stay out on the balcony potting'
'No? OK then'
Plan B. 'Pretend to help build the desk, but remain at a distance for support'
'No? Right!
Plan C. I help, get annoyed cause you don't do it how I would, and we get frustrated?
'Yes. Great!
Voila! a new desk that doesn't wobble...cost under €50 and will be fine until we find something we really love.