Monday, May 14, 2012


What a great weekend, just what I needed after traipsing around London & Paris.
Early Saturday was spent at the Veg Garden/ patch, Allotment, Orto, I'm still undecided what I should call it...we have plants in, the straw is covering the beds, the water supply is causing us a few problems at the moment, thankfully we've been having plenty of rain to keep us going for now, but as usual in Italy there seems to be no urgency from the council to sort it out...
I planted up some Runner Bean seeds I picked up in London, they're a heritage variety so here's hoping I also transferred my Rhubarb plant to the patch where it has plenty more space and hopefully will find it's growing groove.

A very good friend of ours was staying with us this weekend, which is always a treat and such great
company, we headed up towards Bolzano and into the Dolomites National Park, we found a great slow food Osteria in our new favorite book Osterie d'Italia this part of Italy the food is heavily influenced by the mountains and has a strong German influence, German is prodomenently was a meal to remember we split all our plates to have a taste of everything.
Our menu looked a like this


Formaggi misti dell'Alto Adige
Cheese selection from the Alto Adige Region

Speck e luganega del nostro maso "Dorfnerhof"
Speck & Salami made in house

Canederli di spinaci con salsa al gorgonzola
Dumplings of spinach with a gorgonzola sauce

Tortelloni integrali di farro ripieni di spinaci e ricotta al burro e grana
Spinach & ricotta farro tortelloni with butter & parmesan.

Gnocchi di patate all'agnello e verdure
Potatoe gnocchi with lamb & vegetables.

Stufato di spalla di bue con verdure miste e purea di sedano
Oxe served with celery puree & mixed veg

Gulasch di manzo con Canederli allo speck
Goulash served with dumplings of speck

"Bauerngröstel" (piatto tipico con patate saltate, cipolla, e manzo lesso) con cappucci allo speck 
"Bauerngrostel" a typical plate with potatoe, onions, beef.

Something to start
Trying to move and take in the view after an extra specially delicious lunch...
Our drive through the Dolomites National Park...
:The nymph of Lake Carezza:
In the lake once lived a beautiful water nymph, who often sat and sang on the shores of the lake. She was however very shy, and whenever anyone approached, she would immediately vanish into the water. Now one day, as the sorcerer of Masarè was passing by, he heard the nymph singing and fell in love with her. But not even all his magic arts were enough to capture her. Finally the witch Langwerda gave him some advice: "Stretch a rainbow from Latemar to Lake Carezza. The little nymph will become curios and want to know what it is. Disguise yourself as an old merchant and innocently tell her what the rainbow is made of and how to make jewels in the air. Once she is close, you can easily catch her" The sorcerer obeyed this advice, but forgot to change his form and was recognised by the water nymph. She promptly disappeared into the lake, never to be seem again. The sorcerer was so furious that he tore the rainbow from the sky and hurled it into the lake. The rainbow however dissolved in the water and spread out over the surface of the lake. Since this day the Ladin name for the lake has been 'Lec de Ergobardo' ( the rainbow lake)
